Monday Pinspirations
I had a pretty productive and fun weekend. I wrapped up a couple of projects you will see on this here blog very soon, rearranged the living room furniture and had a few friends over to watch some basketball. Rock Chalk!!
Instead of the usual suspects you usually find on Monday Pinspirations, let's have a little fun and take a look at some of the funny things that put a smile on my face. Sometimes I just need a break from the real world for a moment and my FuNnY! Pinterest Board always puts a smile on my face.
Here a few of my favs:
I love this one, it gets me every time.
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This is exactly how I feel when I stay up late or decide to pour another drink. Why can't my kids ever sleep in?
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This is a favorite around our home, we told the boys this is how cats purr. Now, it is an ongoing joke with our family. Plus, it's cute!
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And finally, since this blog covers DIY and home projects, this last one is goes out to all of you who are busy making your house your home.
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I'm happy share some of the funnies that make me smile. Do you have a Pinterest board that is your go-to to make you smile?
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