Making A Home Takes Time
We live in such a world of instant gratification, that the thought of taking weeks, months, or years to decorate your home sounds ridiculous. But, the reality is that even with an endless budget, you will still have the desire to add that one more thing to "finish" the room. I have really noticed more lately that when I slow down and really make well thought out decor choices, the more I find myself falling even more in love with our home.
Case in point: Instead of rushing to put art and photos on the wall, I like to live with the space for awhile and get a feel for how I want the space to look. And when I finally hammer those nails into the wall, I can't help but smile when I see the finished product. I have been thinking about adding a gallery wall to our entry for months, and I just couldn't figure out the look I wanted. I already had a couple of pictures on the wall as a start, and a couple of frames I loved that I had been hoarding storing, waiting for just the right spot, and then I found a great deal on simple white frames, and then I knew exactly how my wall was going to look.
It's still a work in progress, the overall look is just what I wanted, but I still need to find artwork for the frames. I have a good idea of what I want in them, now it is just a matter of time until I find the perfect pieces, (See what I mean, no need to rush the process, if you take your time, you will love the outcome so much more!)
It feels like there is such a rush to fully decorate your home and make it "Pinterest Perfect" on the first try. Unfortunately that just causes you to spend more money on "things" that you most likely just don't love. I love thrifting and finding new treasures, sometimes I will fall in love with something that I know will be perfect in our home, but I'm not quite sure where it belongs. So, I find it a home, and then I move it, and then I move it again, and then it goes to another room, eventually it finds the perfect spot. The point is, that decorating your home is a process and it's personal, you know what you like, you know how your family uses your spaces, and you need to get comfortable with the fact that you will never be done decorating your home.
As a blogger, we are guilty of showing your pretty pictures of staged rooms (and honestly, who doesn't like looking at these beautiful pictures?) that appear to be unrealistically all put-together. But, you know what you don't see, how long it really took them to pull that whole look together, and that the room is most likely still being tweaked. And just because there is a pretty picture in front of you doesn't mean there isn't a mess of unfinished projects on the other side of the camera.
If you are looking for more inspiration in taking your time to make your house a home, I have a couple of great bloggers for you to check out! First is Myquillyn, from The Nesting Place blog and author of "The Nesting Place: It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful". I love her style and her encouragement of finding the beautiful in your home. Second is Melissa from The Inspired Room blog. She just published a great book, "Love the Home you Have", the book and blog are full of encouragement to look at you home in new ways and make it work for you and your family.
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I'm going through the same thing right now in our new rental. Some spaces just take time and need to be in lived in to know what you want to do! Thanks for sharing at The Creative Circle.