"New" Bar Stools

Recovered bar stool seats

Since I am working on freshening up our home with new colors, I really wanted to update the bar stools that are in our kitchen. I found a botanical print fabric that I really liked, so I bought a yard of it with plans to use little bits of it in various places around the house. (You can see the first place I used it here.)

So, in an effort to keep it real around here, this is the before of the bar stools, I didn't even bother trying to clean up the water stains on the seat. That's how I roll. Anyhoo, the before is not bad, I like the bar stools (plus they were a great clearance score at Target a couple years ago), I was just looking for something a little lighter/brighter in the space. 

Bar stools - before

Bar stool with suede seat - before

This was a super easy update to complete. I just unscrewed the seat from the frame and simply stapled the new fabric to the bottom of the seat, right over the top of the current fabric, screwed it all back to together, and they were better than new in just a few minutes!

Here is the beautiful after! I love these "new" bar stools! The lighter color makes such a nice impact in the space, they make the entire room feel lighter. I just goes to show, that you don't have to spend a lot of money or make a huge change to a room to get an updated look. This was a very small change, but I feel like it has made a really big difference in the room.

Bar stools with white botanical print fabric

Bar stool with white botanical print fabric

What is the smallest change you have made to a room that you feel changed the entire look of the space?


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